Private static extern int CM_Get_Device_ID(IntPtr dnDevInst, IntPtr Buffer, int BufferLen, int ulFlags) Private static extern int CM_Get_Parent(out IntPtr pdnDevInst, int dnDevInst, int ulFlags) USB.SearchHubInstanceID(current.GetHub(), ref FoundDevice, InstanceID) Private static void SearchHubInstanceID(USB.USBHub Hub, ref USB.USBDevice FoundDevice, string InstanceID) USB.SearchHubInstanceID(current.GetRootHub(), ref uSBDevice, InstanceID) Public static USB.USBDevice FindDeviceByInstanceID(string InstanceID) If (device.DeviceDriverKey = DriverKeyName)

USB.USBDevice device = current.GetDevice() USB.SearchHubDriverKeyName(current.GetHub(), ref FoundDevice, DriverKeyName) Private static void SearchHubDriverKeyName(USB.USBHub Hub, ref USB.USBDevice FoundDevice, string DriverKeyName) USB.SearchHubDriverKeyName(current.GetRootHub(), ref uSBDevice, DriverKeyName) Public static USB.USBDevice FindDeviceByDriverKeyName(string DriverKeyName) Private static void ListHub(USB.USBHub Hub, List DevList)įoreach (USB.USBPort current in Hub.GetPorts()) Token: 0x0600029F RID: 671 RVA: 0x0000FC14 File Offset: 0x0000DE14įoreach (USB.USBController current in USB.GetHostControllers()) // Token: 0x04000742 RID: 1858 public static string HTACCESS_PWD = " Npkmi2pa4hhEssrx".// Token: 0x04000741 RID: 1857 public static string HTACCESS_USER = " seps3".The Username and Password is in the Program.cs which Pulls from here:.